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When temperatures are up and the sun is shining, India invites travellers to various destinations that are not only hot but also have cool places to enjoy. Be it mountaineering, basking in a relaxed 'seaside location,' or enjoying cultural exposure, there is an Indian tourist destination to suit everybody's preference.
When temperatures are up and the sun is shining, India invites travellers to various destinations that are not only hot but also have cool places to enjoy. Be it mountaineering, basking in a relaxed 'seaside location,' or enjoying cultural exposure, there is an Indian tourist destination to suit everybody's preference.
1.Leh-Ladakh, Jammu and Kashmir: While the snow melting heralds the start of tourist season in Leh-Ladakh in June, the previous months were just waiting for people to hit the trails. The rugged terrain becomes accessible. Experience the fantastic bustling sceneries, peaceful monasteries, and crystal clear lakes just like Pangong and Tso Moriri. By no means adrenaline-junkies should miss the opportunity to engage in the enjoyment of trekking, rafting and camping nestled in the middle of the epic vistas of the glorious Himalayas.
