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Understanding Crawford Hearings In NYC | Law And Crime | Greco Neyland, PC
2024Feb 26
Understanding Crawford Hearings In NYC | Law And Crime | Greco Neyland, PC Welcome to Greco Neyland, PC YouTube Channel. Greco Neyland, PC is known for its aggressive defense of those charged with crimes in Manhattan and surrounding areas. Founding partner Jeff Greco is a distinguished criminal defense lawyer committed to helping those who have been charged with crimes (both federal and state) rigorously defend their freedom. The criminal defense lawyers at Greco Neyland, PC have the required trial experience to help you with all defense matters. Our founding partners and associates are former criminal prosecutors. Our New York Criminal Defense is well sought after by those facing criminal charges. We are the experienced criminal defense attorney that you need in New York City. Hey guys, today we're going to talk about the Crawford hearings. What is a Crawford hearing? What does it mean to have one? Do I even need to have one on my case? You know, is every DV case going to come up for a Crawford hearing or do some of them not need to be, you know, conducted? Well, the way it works is typically in arraignments, the judge is going to issue the full stay-away order. And honestly, it's an abundance of caution in arraignments. That's not the time to litigate the case. It's not a full trial. So in an abundance of caution, the judge in all likelihood will issue a full stay-away order. What your defense attorney needs to do at that point is reach out to the court and request what's called a Crawford hearing. The purpose of the Crawford hearing is to limit the order of protection from a full to a limited order. Now, what happens at that Crawford hearing, which is typically on the next court date after your arraignment, is your defense attorney has to show that there's some type of property interest in the home. Because, keep in mind, especially in the domestic violence context, when you're required to stay away from the home of the protected party, a lot of times that's your home too. So you've been kicked out of your home. And for the next six days or 10 days, whatever it might be until your next court date, you're not allowed to go home. You have to find a hotel. (1:28) You have to stay with another loved one. Either way, you can't come home. At that Crawford hearing, what the defense attorney needs to do is show that you have a property interest in that home. Potentially you might be paying the bills. You might be paying for utilities. You might own the property. Maybe this other individual is on the lease. Maybe she's not on the lease. It all depends. So at that Crawford hearing, the judge will listen to the arguments of the defense as well as the prosecutor. Typically, unless the victim is fully on board with limiting the order of protection, ( the prosecutor is going to maintain the request for a full stay-away order. Oftentimes, even if the victim asks for the order of protection to be limited, again, in an abundance of caution, the prosecutor is going to maintain his or her position that the full stay-away order should be in effect. So at that Crawford hearing, the judge will make a determination. It can go one of two ways. Now, if you're trying to figure out, well, what's the difference between a full order of protection versus a limited order of protection, well, you have to stay tuned to the next video, which you should see the link. If you don't see the link, it'll play automatically. Let's talk about limited orders versus full orders of protection next. More info and Connect with Us: 🌐 👉 FOLLOW OUR FACEBOOK: 👉 FOLLOW OUR Twitter:   / defend_u   👉 FOLLOW OUR Instagram:   / greconeylandpc   ✅ SUBSCRIBE TO OUR CHANNEL:    / @greconeylandpc   📍 Midtown (Main Office) Location: 757 3rd Ave 20th Floor New York, NY 10017 📞 (646) 517-7952 📍 White Plains Location: 75 S Broadway, 4th Floor White Plains, NY 10601 📞 914-295-9000 24 Hour Service & Free Consultations Available. 📷Watch My Recent Videos📷 ▶ Full Order Of Protection Vs Limited Order Of Protection In NYC Criminal Cases | Greco Neyland, PC    â€˘ Full Order Of Protection Vs Limited O...   ▶ Arraignment Process In NYC | Jeffery Greco Is A Criminal Defense Lawyer In NYC    â€˘ Arraignment Process In NYC | Jeffery ...   ▶ You Don’t Talk To Police And Detectives In NYC | Just Call Greco Neyland, PC | Law & Crime V1    â€˘ You Don’t Talk To Police And Detectiv...   ▶Don’t Talk To Police, Detectives, Or Law Enforcement Agents | Call Greco Neyland, PC | Law & Crime V2    â€˘ Don’t Talk To Police, Detectives Or L...   Subscribe to Greco Neyland, PC, and get the best criminal defense advice from a seasoned professional. #law #lawyer #criminal_lawyer #defence_lawyer #nyc #greco_neyland #lawandcrime #lawandcrimenetwork

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